Sunday, March 22, 2009

Welcome to some musings and ponderings

I was thinking of doing this on my old health class blog, but had changed my mind. Inconstancy is a common trait in many women today, myself included.
What sort of musings and ponderings (according to my spellcheck, this is not a real word, but let us pretend for a moment, that it is) do I have in store for this blog?
I suppose, once in awhile, I may discuss politics. I might like to rant about society's ills now and again. I won't post poetry, I have a deviantart page for that, I won't post about my personal life, I have blogs on myspace and facebook to do that. I'll post internet memes and macros that I find amusing (brace yourself for plenty of mudkips and Caturday macros).
You won't find hot gossip here, if that's what you came for. There are enough blogs, that dedicate themselves entirely to rumor mills, scandal and the misery of others. I'm here to write honest, blunt and at times utterly bizarre thoughts. If you came here with ill intentions, go away, your bad vibes affect my writing skills.

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