Monday, March 30, 2009

Books- Food for the Brain.

This probably isn't a new thought for some intellectuals, but because of my youth, it's rather recent for me.
Brains, like stomachs need to be fed. They also enjoy being fed. It makes them happy. So, like our stomachs we want to keep them full, right? The same way we fill our stomachs with nourishment, we must fill our brains. Well, not exactly the same way, please don't try to cram a cheeseburger up your nose or pour hot soup in your ear. That will just end badly for your brain and stomach alike, resulting in an empty stomach and well, I don't even want to think about what will happen when hot foodstuffs get into your brain.
So what nourishes the mind? Knowledge. Knowledge keeps the mind working, keeps the brain cells all springy and tingly. How does one get knowledge snacks for their brain?
I'd suggest reading. Reading is a magnificent way to absorb information and thus keep your brain full and content. Of course, you can't just read any old grouping of words. How well you feed your brain, depends on what you're reading. Think of it as junk food and health food.
When you read stuff like gossip magazines and romance novels, sure you're entertained, but it's really just empty calories as far as your mind is concerned. Chick-lit is another example of junk reading. There's no real value in books about vain silly women, or campy romances. If your brain has to process the words: "throbbing manhood" one more time, it's going to go on strike. And before you even ask, Twilight by Stephenie Meyer is not a sufficient knowledge snack. That's the equivalent of eating tainted meat. Your brain will figuratively vomit, while your stomach will do so literally if you read Twilight.
Think of junk reading, such as gossip magazines and light fluffy reading as candy. Good once in awhile, but if you seriously keep ingesting that shit, your teeth are going to rot and so is your brain.
So, then there is fiction that is well-written, such as Tolkien, Stephen King and various others. That's comparable to eating a good balanced home-cooked meal. It's good for you, but it's also delicious. Your brain is nourished as well as happy. This also goes for highly engrossing non-fiction.
When you read serious non-fiction, philosophy and classical literature, that is like eating an organic, super healthy meal. It's REALLY good for you, but it may or may not be delicious depending on your personal taste. Also, if you read too much of this type, your brain may get constipated and you'll end up frustrated and bored.
Let's review:
Junk food for the Brain:
-Gossip and fashion magazines
-Romance novels
-Light-hearted novels

Balanced, but yummy brain food:
-engrossing serious novels of an genre
-engrossing non-fiction of any genre

Super healthy brain food:
-Classical literature.

Poison for the brain, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK:
- VCR Instructions
- Anything written by a B-List celebrity
-Anything written by Ann Coulter.

Heed my advice, and remember, what you read DOES affect you and your train of thought. Read enough junk and poison and you'll end up voting for Sarah Palin.

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