Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Addictive Snake Pit

On the surface, Stardoll looks like a fun and addictive site. Users dress up dolls, decorate suites, collect little virtual clothes and interact with other users. Like any society, even a cyber one, cliques are formed. There are the outcasts (I happen to be one of them) and the supposed "elites". There are users who thrive on creating trouble, and some (like myself) who are just trying to dress up some dolls and have a good time.
Of late, there has been a bumper crop of blogs dedicated to Stardoll gossip and websites that roast and insult members in a satirical manner. While, I've personally been accused of getting involved in these websites, I'm no more than a disgusted, though rarely amused witness. I have no need to rip other members apart, unless they have personally attacked me in some way. Like I've said, I'm only there to play dress up and socialize with interesting people. While I do enjoy some occasional trolling, that's only because my boyfriend's /b/tarded habits have rubbed off on me and I spend too much time browsing Encyclopedia Dramatica.
Some of these blogs, are well-written and have interesting points. Others, are just sadistic and hypocritical, as well as poorly written. If any of you blog writers want to know which category I consider your blog to be in, I'll gladly let you know.
Asking why users on Stardoll behave this way, is the same as asking why children bully each other on the playground. Part of it, involves power. Some users may be powerless in real life, whereas online, they can have all the power they want. They're anonymous for the most part, and they can unleash their frustrations on people they deem weak or socially unfit. It's a sick vicious cycle, which will never end because Sadism and bullying are a part of human nature, whether we like it or not.
So, why do I keep getting involved in this drama?

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