Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pubic Hair- What's "growing" on down there?

Yes, this entire blog is about pubic hair, disgusting to some and erotic to others.
Scientists believe that pubic hair grows to protect the genitals from bacteria and to trap pheromones needed to attract a mate. It shows up in early puberty, for some a horrifying experience and for others, an exciting prospect of impending adulthood.
In some cultures, pubic hair is seen as highly sexual. In fact, in some cultures, a large full bush is considered highly erotic, symbolizing fertility and sexual maturity. While in other cultures, pubic hair is seen as filthy and undesirable.
For centuries women and men have trimmed and decorated their nether locks. Japanese prostitutes were said to trim their muff according to their sexual experience. 16th century women were said to decorate theirs with bows, a practice which personally I have trouble believing.
Most nudes in art appeared free of fuzz, possibly for the sake of decency (my personal guess). 19th century art critic John Ruskin, was so accustomed to these bald vulvas, that when he married his wife Effie Gray and discovered she had pubic hair, he was traumatized. He had no idea women had pubic hair. He was so shocked that he refused to have sex with her. The marriage was annulled.
Today, most men and women tend to trim their pubic hair into different designs and shapes, some going so far as to dye it in exotic colors. Then, there are the people who prefer to go completely bare. Shave it all off.
In high school, it seemed all the girls I knew were shaving down there. It's as if as soon as we get our pubic hair, society hands us a razor. I'm sure the trend is starting younger and younger. I never shaved and I still don't. I tried trimming the bikini line, and was so traumatized by razor burn, I never did it again. Let all the girls in the locker room snicker at the errant hairs that stick out from today's diminutive knickers. What were they doing looking at my crotch anyway? Don't they have their own to look at?
I remember being told in middle school by a girl in the grade above me, that if I didn't shave my pubic hair, that no man would want me. That men won't have sex with a hairy girl. Well, that may have been the men that she dated. But even so, for a long time I thought I would sexually undesirable. The state of my "bikini area" was one of many reasons I didn't get intimate with men. Until I met my current boyfriend. He didn't care whether or not it was shaved. It wasn't important to him. I'm glad he's the first man I got very physically intimate with, because of his love and positive support for my body the way it is made, rather than what it could or should be. A lot of men, actually prefer the hair. A lot of men don't care either way (like my boyfriend). As I've said, there are men who have a fetish for pubic hair. Women too, I imagine.
To be honest, a shaved pussy can be kind of creepy. It hearkens back to the pre-pube days of childhood. To me, any man who prefers a shorn twat, is harboring a taste for pedophilia.
Personally, I am not going to succumb to this trend of baring it all. It's like not I'm a stripper or a porn star, who's meal ticket depends on the appearance of her cooch. I'll trim things and make them look neat, whenever my boyfriend comes up from New Jersey to visit, but otherwise, I'd rather leave things the way nature intended.
Anyway, a woman who puts all that emphasis on how good her vulva looks, probably doesn't have much else to go on.


  1. Well i guess it is all a matter of prefernce. i personally prefer to keep my privates shaved. In my opinion it just makes in easier to care for. You see as a africian american our pubes tend to be very coarse and can get tangled. So to avoid the combing of this area I just shave it off. Well not all the way off I have a "landing strip". Well that was probably TMI, but just thought I should let you why I chose to shave......Take care

  2. I just graduated high school a couple of years ago. We always showered after P.E, so I saw all of the girls in my P.E class in the showers, and most had fairly full bushes.

    I do a little trimming, but I prefer to have a bush. I don't like getting razor burn down there, and I think a neatly maintained bush looks sexier than completely shaved.

