Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Addictive Snake Pit

On the surface, Stardoll looks like a fun and addictive site. Users dress up dolls, decorate suites, collect little virtual clothes and interact with other users. Like any society, even a cyber one, cliques are formed. There are the outcasts (I happen to be one of them) and the supposed "elites". There are users who thrive on creating trouble, and some (like myself) who are just trying to dress up some dolls and have a good time.
Of late, there has been a bumper crop of blogs dedicated to Stardoll gossip and websites that roast and insult members in a satirical manner. While, I've personally been accused of getting involved in these websites, I'm no more than a disgusted, though rarely amused witness. I have no need to rip other members apart, unless they have personally attacked me in some way. Like I've said, I'm only there to play dress up and socialize with interesting people. While I do enjoy some occasional trolling, that's only because my boyfriend's /b/tarded habits have rubbed off on me and I spend too much time browsing Encyclopedia Dramatica.
Some of these blogs, are well-written and have interesting points. Others, are just sadistic and hypocritical, as well as poorly written. If any of you blog writers want to know which category I consider your blog to be in, I'll gladly let you know.
Asking why users on Stardoll behave this way, is the same as asking why children bully each other on the playground. Part of it, involves power. Some users may be powerless in real life, whereas online, they can have all the power they want. They're anonymous for the most part, and they can unleash their frustrations on people they deem weak or socially unfit. It's a sick vicious cycle, which will never end because Sadism and bullying are a part of human nature, whether we like it or not.
So, why do I keep getting involved in this drama?

Monday, March 30, 2009

Books- Food for the Brain.

This probably isn't a new thought for some intellectuals, but because of my youth, it's rather recent for me.
Brains, like stomachs need to be fed. They also enjoy being fed. It makes them happy. So, like our stomachs we want to keep them full, right? The same way we fill our stomachs with nourishment, we must fill our brains. Well, not exactly the same way, please don't try to cram a cheeseburger up your nose or pour hot soup in your ear. That will just end badly for your brain and stomach alike, resulting in an empty stomach and well, I don't even want to think about what will happen when hot foodstuffs get into your brain.
So what nourishes the mind? Knowledge. Knowledge keeps the mind working, keeps the brain cells all springy and tingly. How does one get knowledge snacks for their brain?
I'd suggest reading. Reading is a magnificent way to absorb information and thus keep your brain full and content. Of course, you can't just read any old grouping of words. How well you feed your brain, depends on what you're reading. Think of it as junk food and health food.
When you read stuff like gossip magazines and romance novels, sure you're entertained, but it's really just empty calories as far as your mind is concerned. Chick-lit is another example of junk reading. There's no real value in books about vain silly women, or campy romances. If your brain has to process the words: "throbbing manhood" one more time, it's going to go on strike. And before you even ask, Twilight by Stephenie Meyer is not a sufficient knowledge snack. That's the equivalent of eating tainted meat. Your brain will figuratively vomit, while your stomach will do so literally if you read Twilight.
Think of junk reading, such as gossip magazines and light fluffy reading as candy. Good once in awhile, but if you seriously keep ingesting that shit, your teeth are going to rot and so is your brain.
So, then there is fiction that is well-written, such as Tolkien, Stephen King and various others. That's comparable to eating a good balanced home-cooked meal. It's good for you, but it's also delicious. Your brain is nourished as well as happy. This also goes for highly engrossing non-fiction.
When you read serious non-fiction, philosophy and classical literature, that is like eating an organic, super healthy meal. It's REALLY good for you, but it may or may not be delicious depending on your personal taste. Also, if you read too much of this type, your brain may get constipated and you'll end up frustrated and bored.
Let's review:
Junk food for the Brain:
-Gossip and fashion magazines
-Romance novels
-Light-hearted novels

Balanced, but yummy brain food:
-engrossing serious novels of an genre
-engrossing non-fiction of any genre

Super healthy brain food:
-Classical literature.

Poison for the brain, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK:
- VCR Instructions
- Anything written by a B-List celebrity
-Anything written by Ann Coulter.

Heed my advice, and remember, what you read DOES affect you and your train of thought. Read enough junk and poison and you'll end up voting for Sarah Palin.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Today's Thoughts

-Today, I'm wondering if I should start a blog solely for gossip and complaining. I want this blog to mainly feature well-articulated rants about society, while I write another blog to bitch and moan about people I highly dislike. It's a tempting thought, but doing stuff like that tends to backfire. Moreover, there's an epidemic of back-stabbing, catty gossip blogs, a disgusting trend started by Perez Hilton. His bitchiness was charming, and now scores of teenage girls, adorned in skinny jeans and oversize sunglasses are emulating him. They think it's cool to act like a complete and total cunt to everyone, even people they call friends. Loyalty is old-fashioned, true friendship is dead and buried. To show humanity towards others is considered a social faux pas by these teenage girls. It's like the movie Heathers, someone should just make these girls drink Drain-O.
That's really all I can write for now. I've got some pretty terrible allergies. When my nose gets congested my thoughts go along for the ride. I'm not in a typing mood.
Next entry, I'll be discussing books. More interesting than it sounds.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Stigma of Orientation

I said I wouldn't get personal in this blog, I know. But, for me the art of prose, goes hand in hand with life. Without life, there are no stories. Without life, there is nothing to write about.
Today's topic, is sexual orientation and the stigmas that come with being a member of the GLBT community.
Some of my few readers may already know I am a bisexual. I have been out of the closet for six years. I had first begun to guess I was different around the age of twelve, when I began to feel an overwhelming curiosity to kiss girls. But the signs had been appearing years before that. I had my first crush on a woman around the age of eight, something that had come more naturally than the first crush I had on a boy my age, which I had only had because I decided it was high time to get a crush.
So, at twelve I began to ponder whether or not I liked both genders. I knew I liked boys, I had crushes and had already dated a little bit. But the prospect of being bisexual frightened me at first. I was afraid of "not being normal", by which I mean, not being like the rest of society. It was already hard enough for me to fit in, and to be a bisexual in a small-town community that used the word "fag" with sickening casualness, brought only anxiety. In addition, I had already been fighting lesbian rumors for a long time. In Moriah Central School, I had been accused of being a lesbian, just because I had hugged a female friend, because I had cheerfully grasped her hand. So, in a small-minded ignorant place like Moriah, people assumed I was gay and gave me hell for it. So you can understand why I didn't want to be bisexual.
By fourteen, I realized I was indeed bisexual, there was not a damn thing to do about it and I might as well embrace it. There was some initial shame and fear in coming out, and while some people accepted it, there would always be someone who was highly uncomfortable with my orientation.
But for me, there is something worse than the outright hatred. The stereotyping. Bisexuals, have this stereotype of being sexually promiscuous and indecisive. They're not accepted by the straight people, and sometimes, the gays and lesbians won't accept them either. It's like we're considered traitors. I've never gotten that kind of treatment, but I know it happens.
Then there are those that give bisexuals a bad name. The ones who are only bi for attention, are one example. Girls who know that men get turned on by "girl-on-girl" action, will often make out or perform some other sexual act with another female solely for the purpose of attracting attention. Not only is it degrading and tasteless to use sexuality to attract attention, but it gives bisexual and lesbian women a bad reputation. People start to think that we're only doing it for attention and that we don't have genuine feelings for other women.
Then, there are the imbeciles who think that to be bisexual, is to be an oversexed pervert. That bisexuals will fuck anyone and anything within reach and are always horny all the time. I come across these particular idiots on a website known as Stardoll. These sickos come on the site demanding anonymous cyber sex from other users, claiming to be "BI AND HORNY OH BABY".
Now, on Stardoll there is a big homophobic sentiment, particularly towards lesbians and bisexual girls. These ignorant haters squawk ceaselessly about all the perverted bis infecting stardoll. But it's not ALL of us and I doubt the people doing it are actually bi. They're probably just attention whores. Stardoll has become a veritable snake pit, at times worse than the internet forum known lovingly as 4-Chan. To be honest, I'd rather go on 4-Chan and claim to be a furry, than deal with Stardoll's High School Confidential Agenda.
But Stardoll, is another story and one I would rather not discuss. Today, let's talk about sexuality.
Another pet peeve of mine? When people use the word "gay" to describe something they don't like. I hate how in this country homosexuality has become a curse. Gays are only OK when they're decorating your house, or making over your husband right? We're only OK when we put on some fucking masks and adhere to stereotypes. Yet these same stereotypes that entertain you, disgust you. It's alright for us to design your clothes, but as soon as we ask to get married or adopt children, we're abominations.
Then there is the sexism. Gay men, are generally more accepted than gay women. Ever notice that? All the stereotypes show gay men as these cheerful, fashionable little dandies, who are just adored by Hollywood and surrounded by all of society's best. But gay women are shown as undesirable, man-hating feminazis or as unrealistically hot porn stars who are only licking another woman's vulva because it garners her money and attention. Fuck that. Fuck those ridiculous stereotypes.
America still does not treat the GLBTQ community with dignity and frankly, it's making me awfully nauseous.
I'm bisexual and proud of it. There is no denying or changing that part of me. While it's not one of those things that will matter in the end, it is something I can not be ashamed of or hide from the world. But, it is not all of me. I am more than my sexuality. As proud as I am of it, I do not want it to be the focus. I'd rather let the world focus on my writing, or my powwow dancing, than on what I do in the bedroom. But of course, in this ridiculous society of ours, it will be an issue. I could cure cancer, and all someone would think about me is that I get turned on by girls as well as boys. I suppose society is just like a piece of bread trying to stop a rolling tank. You just can't win.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pubic Hair- What's "growing" on down there?

Yes, this entire blog is about pubic hair, disgusting to some and erotic to others.
Scientists believe that pubic hair grows to protect the genitals from bacteria and to trap pheromones needed to attract a mate. It shows up in early puberty, for some a horrifying experience and for others, an exciting prospect of impending adulthood.
In some cultures, pubic hair is seen as highly sexual. In fact, in some cultures, a large full bush is considered highly erotic, symbolizing fertility and sexual maturity. While in other cultures, pubic hair is seen as filthy and undesirable.
For centuries women and men have trimmed and decorated their nether locks. Japanese prostitutes were said to trim their muff according to their sexual experience. 16th century women were said to decorate theirs with bows, a practice which personally I have trouble believing.
Most nudes in art appeared free of fuzz, possibly for the sake of decency (my personal guess). 19th century art critic John Ruskin, was so accustomed to these bald vulvas, that when he married his wife Effie Gray and discovered she had pubic hair, he was traumatized. He had no idea women had pubic hair. He was so shocked that he refused to have sex with her. The marriage was annulled.
Today, most men and women tend to trim their pubic hair into different designs and shapes, some going so far as to dye it in exotic colors. Then, there are the people who prefer to go completely bare. Shave it all off.
In high school, it seemed all the girls I knew were shaving down there. It's as if as soon as we get our pubic hair, society hands us a razor. I'm sure the trend is starting younger and younger. I never shaved and I still don't. I tried trimming the bikini line, and was so traumatized by razor burn, I never did it again. Let all the girls in the locker room snicker at the errant hairs that stick out from today's diminutive knickers. What were they doing looking at my crotch anyway? Don't they have their own to look at?
I remember being told in middle school by a girl in the grade above me, that if I didn't shave my pubic hair, that no man would want me. That men won't have sex with a hairy girl. Well, that may have been the men that she dated. But even so, for a long time I thought I would sexually undesirable. The state of my "bikini area" was one of many reasons I didn't get intimate with men. Until I met my current boyfriend. He didn't care whether or not it was shaved. It wasn't important to him. I'm glad he's the first man I got very physically intimate with, because of his love and positive support for my body the way it is made, rather than what it could or should be. A lot of men, actually prefer the hair. A lot of men don't care either way (like my boyfriend). As I've said, there are men who have a fetish for pubic hair. Women too, I imagine.
To be honest, a shaved pussy can be kind of creepy. It hearkens back to the pre-pube days of childhood. To me, any man who prefers a shorn twat, is harboring a taste for pedophilia.
Personally, I am not going to succumb to this trend of baring it all. It's like not I'm a stripper or a porn star, who's meal ticket depends on the appearance of her cooch. I'll trim things and make them look neat, whenever my boyfriend comes up from New Jersey to visit, but otherwise, I'd rather leave things the way nature intended.
Anyway, a woman who puts all that emphasis on how good her vulva looks, probably doesn't have much else to go on.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Today's Musings

My titles are awfully boring aren't they? Well, it's not the title that counts but the content, right? Today's observations:

- I'm going to put my two cents in on Rihanna/Chris Brown incident. Everyone else has vocalized their opinions, why not I?
So this seemingly clean-cut young man has a dark side, a dark side which he unleashed on his girlfriend, the attractive young Rihanna. Reports say he punched her in the face repetitively, threatened her life, etc.. Reports also say that her blood was splattered all over the car's interior, where the assault took place. Gruesome, the very stuff of a Lifetime Original Movie.
You'd think after being attacked like that, Rihanna would obtain a restraining order and start anew. But nooo, what does our young heroine do? She takes him back.
Getting out of an abusive relationship is not easy. It takes courage and for some women, it means leaving everything behind, their homes, their possessions etc., in order to save their lives. You have to make a fresh start, and that takes money. It would be fairly easy for Rihanna to start over right? She has the money for therapy to get over the trauma. Rihanna does not have the complications that usually keep women in abusive relationships.
Her decision to stay with her abuser, may appear to some, as heroic. "Stand By Your Man", right? "He hits me because he loves me", RIGHT? That kind of bullshit.
What's more courageous, is to escape your tyrannical mate, to stand up for yourself.
By going back to her abuser, Rihanna is teaching her young female fans that domestic violence is tolerable, even acceptable.
Sure, it's her life and she can do what she wants. But she's a public figure and her actions affect her fans. Preteen and teenage girls are vulnerable and not always the brightest of creatures, they emulate their role models (such as Rihanna), because that's what they're taught to do, that's what their brains are programmed to do.
So how can we prevent our girls from becoming as stupid as Ms. Rihanna? Parents should talk to their children about domestic violence. They should be upfront and blunt about the subject. The youth of America need to be aware of what is and what is not healthy in a relationship. They need to know whether an unhealthy relationship can be rehabilitated or if it should be put out of its misery.
Now, what about Chris Brown? Reports say, the young man watched his mother get beaten by his stepfather, that he himself was mistreated by the man.
So a childhood like that can take him in two directions. A) Chris learns that violence toward women is acceptable, that the appropriate way to express your anger is through violence, or B) Chris decides to become nothing like his stepfather, and treat women with respect.
Now, it seemed at first, that Chris had taken option B, right? His fans liked his non-threatening nature, as did their parents. He didn't swear, he didn't sing about violence or graphic sex.
Then, this happened. He beat up his girlfriend. Now, what drives a man to that? Mental illness, drug and alcohol abuse, a family history of abuse. Or just being an asshole.
I don't know what drove him to beat Rihanna. All I know is that for someone who had spoken out against his mother's domestic abuse, Chris Brown should have known better. If he didn't like it happening to his mama, what made him think it was alright for him to inflict that upon a woman he loved?
More importantly, can he be rehabilitated? Will his career recover? Only time will tell.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Random Observations of the Day

- Today on CNN I saw a some news about a plane crash in a cemetery. I love cemeteries. In fact, I'm very passionate about this hobby of mine. So, I hear about this crash and the first thing I think is: "Oh dear, I hope none of the headstones were broken or damaged."
What the fuck is wrong with me? People are killed in a deadly crash, and all I can think about is the condition of gravestones? Not to say I don't feel bad for the victims and the families, this is the third big plane crash of the year. Disasters like this are very sad. But sometimes, it's hard to grasp them, to understand them if you're only seeing them in the toxic glow of a television screen. So, is it only natural, instead of facing the tragedy of loss of life, I fret about something that may be significant to me, but on a grand scale, quite the opposite.

-I went to see Coraline today. It was a five o' clock showing and people had brought their families. I missed the opening credits (like I did the first time I saw it) because people were taking so damn long in the concession line.
So I finally get in the theater. I'm getting into the story, enjoying the animation, and what do you know? Some small children start to chatter and continue to chatter throughout the film.
Film critics had warned parents about the film, because of the scary images present near the end. It's based off of a novel by Neil Gaiman, author of the Sandman graphic novel series, so naturally there WILL be some disturbing features.
So by the second half of the film, when the film starts to get a little eerie, I start to hear the soft whimpers and sobs of frightened children. Way to go, Mom and Dad, your kid is going to have nightmares tonight because you assumed that because Coraline is an animated film, that makes it appropriate for the ENTIRE family. WRONG. Just because something is animated, doesn't mean the kiddies can see it, haven't you ever seen a Japanese Hentai?

- Today is the Vernal Equinox. In other words, the first day of Spring. And how's the weather where I'm living? Cold. Cold and Windy.

Welcome to some musings and ponderings

I was thinking of doing this on my old health class blog, but had changed my mind. Inconstancy is a common trait in many women today, myself included.
What sort of musings and ponderings (according to my spellcheck, this is not a real word, but let us pretend for a moment, that it is) do I have in store for this blog?
I suppose, once in awhile, I may discuss politics. I might like to rant about society's ills now and again. I won't post poetry, I have a deviantart page for that, I won't post about my personal life, I have blogs on myspace and facebook to do that. I'll post internet memes and macros that I find amusing (brace yourself for plenty of mudkips and Caturday macros).
You won't find hot gossip here, if that's what you came for. There are enough blogs, that dedicate themselves entirely to rumor mills, scandal and the misery of others. I'm here to write honest, blunt and at times utterly bizarre thoughts. If you came here with ill intentions, go away, your bad vibes affect my writing skills.