Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Warning

This blog is my corner of the internet. There are many corners of the internet, but this one is mine. Here, I share thoughts, opinions, memories and feelings, for both my own benefit, and hopefully the benefit of others. Here, I practice my writing skills, in the hope that one day, I might become a published author.
That being said, I would like to issue a warning. I say what I want on here. My words are frank and candid. Because of this, some readers will be offended. Some may find that they will dislike what I have to say. They may disagree with an opinion. They may find my prose too dense for their tastes. It doesn't matter, what it is, they will be offended.
If you are offended, you have several options. Firstly, you may unfollow my blog (if you follow it) or click the 'back' button on your browser. You may block my account too, if that is your wish. No one is forcing you to read my words. Least of all me.
I do not want to get into an internet flame war. Flame wars are pointless and childish. Nobody truly wins a flame war. If you want to comment on something you dislike, please do so in a calm manner without being rude or condescending. Last year, on varying parts of of the internet, I had several people treat me with cruelty and condescending disdain, merely because they disagreed with my posts, or thought I had offended them in some way.
Oh, but Faerie, you just insulted me on one of your older posts, I am so butthurt! Oh, but Faerie, your opinion is wrong, let me educate you! Oh Faerie, I think I know more than you so I'm going to spout Tl;Dr nonsense at you and try to sound smarter than you, when really I'm not! Oh Faerie, you've damaged my precious ego! You've offended my delicate sensibilities! Rabble rabble rage!

OK. You're offended. You're butthurt over something somebody said on the interbutts. OK. That's cool, homeslice. You can have your feelings.I'm not saying you can't. I'm just saying that I am not responsible for them. Anything I say on here comes from my heart. And my ovaries. My beautiful, shiny ovaries. How you respond to me, is all on you.
So I'm warning you. If you have a precious ego, and get easily offended, you may not want to linger here. If you don't like foul language, or big complicated words, you may not want to on this blog. If you're gonna start shit on MY blog, expect your ass to get blocked. Simple as that.
If you can handle the truth, and behave maturely to incendiary words, by all means, stay. But when it comes down to it, I'm in no mood for nobody's bullshit but mine.

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