Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012- A Year in Review

2012 was a fucking roller coaster. Some really awful things happened that year, but so did some really good things. Epic things. So you know, read all about it.

January- January sucked. January really sucked. First of all, we'd just moved into a new apartment, and I had to get used to everything. I was recovering from my breast reduction, and had popped a stitch. And if that wasn't bad enough, I was still pining over my ex, Robbie. I even went to Mr. G's to talk to him. I awkwardly asked him out. He told me he had to 'check his schedule'. I thought he was being literal, and actually needed to check. Nope. He was going to the movies with The Missing Link and didn't know how to say no to me. As a result of this deception, I become very depressed. I spend my time drinking and crying. Then, on the night of January 23rd, I went for a walk to clear my head. Big mistake. I got mugged. Two assholes took my wallet and ran off into the night. I was unharmed, but badly traumatized. That night, two 'friends' also decide to jump my shit over inconsequential facebook crap. I spend the rest of the month trying very hard to recover from the incident. I find solace in watching RuPaul's Drag Race and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

February- The month is eerily warm. I visit my Dad in Manchester and spend time with both him, and my sister, Cele. My sister and I go shopping at several malls, but I can't remember any of what we bought. We go to malls all the time, so it all kind of blends together in one orgy of Orange Julius and Cinnamon Pretzels. Maybe there are crepes, though that could have been in April. I don't fucking know. I'm still recovering from getting mugged. When I find that I can walk 3 miles from the Manchester Library to my Dad's house after dark, I know I'm going to be OK. Two bitches I knew from Repo! Chat Get their panties in a bunch because I speak out against wearing pajamas in public. Because apparently, thinking it looks sloppy is a crime against feminism and I'm a bad ol' misogynist. Abortion? Not a problem? Domestic violence? It's cool. PJs in public? ZOMG RABBLE RABBLE RAGE.

March- March is very quiet. My muggers get arrested, and I still seethe over Robbie. My friend Dalton and I talk very briefly about dating, but eventually decide we'd be better as friends. My obsession with My Little Pony grows.

April- As far as months go, this one is pretty awesome. I go to my Dad's for my birthday. I explore the local cemeteries, and on my birthday, he and Cele take me out to Olive Garden.Then, I go to Cele's apartment and the next day we have a fun day in Portsmouth. I buy cool new jeans, in wild colors like hot pink leopard and cherry red. I see a hawk, and make friends with squirrels. My dad and I have a very nice Easter dinner, and he gives me an Easter basket filled with candy and pretty things. I go back to VT in my scarlet jeans and gummi bear necklace feeling confident. I meet my best friend's fiance, Chase.

May- Not much happens in May. My friends and I go out a lot. I finally get my own fucking computer. I write my own song for the Drum that I call Abenaki Squirrel song.

June- Summer begins. I get a pool membership, and learn to swim underwater with my eyes open, no goggles necessary. My friends and I make plans to go to Canobie Lake Park, but they fall through. Instead, Cele offers to go with me. Kittens. Lots of kittens.

July- The months starts out great, but on the 11th, my cat Kirby falls ill. The next day, he dies. I am heartbroken by this loss, considering he is one of my best furry friends. We bury him in Lincoln, and I go swimming with my aunt's dog. When I get home, I get very sick from stress.
A week later, I go to my dad's. The day I leave, I get my period, a rare occurrence, considering the type of birth control I use. I have bad cramps all the way to Manchester. Once I am ensconced at my dad's, my sister Cele comes to kidnap me. She has an entire weekend planned, ending with our trip to Canobie Lake. On Saturday, I get to go to the ocean for the first time in twenty years. It's a lot of fun, except when I fall, and cut my leg up on some asshole rocks. And then I get sand stuck in my bathing suit. We have a picnic on the beach. That night, we go to see some fireworks at the Exeter Revolutionary War fest. We get fried dough, and watch her boyfriend almost blow his foot off with a firework. The next day, all three of us, Cele, Jonathan and I go back to the beach. Then we go to the Stratham fair. We go on rides, and eat more fried dough. I make friends with a goat and a really adorable chick named Kate.
Finally, we get to go to Canobie Lake Park, just Cele and I.  It's the coolest day ever. I ride a roller coaster with a motherfucking vertical drop. I eat funnel cake. Fucking funnel cake. Then I go back to Dad's. My period gets suddenly heavy and painful. It won't stop. In fact it doesn't stop until I return to Bellows Falls.

August- The month starts off with Old Home Days. They kind of suck. I blow almost all my money. I drink ginger limeade and eat maple cotton candy. All the town elitists, think Old Home Days is mighty successful, but it was not. I swim more and more. At the end of the month, I finally get to have a powwow. It rains, and all my shit gets soaked. I do a shawl dance and make four bucks. At the very tail end of the month I reconnect with Arthur. It is very random. We talk and talk and it feels like we had never parted, even though we hadn't heard from each other in years.

September- I go to the fair with Becca. It rains like a bitch and I freak out on the Skymaster. That weekend I have a powwow. I help light the Sacred Fire, and my parents come see me drum. It rains again. All my shit gets wet and I sleep badly. As the weeks pass, I grow closer to Arthur and start to develop feelings for him again. I try to resist, because he's in Florida. Then he comes back to VT and I can't hold that shit in anymore. I blurt out derps, and he's like let's wait till my shit's together until we do this. And even though I have to wait, I feel ridiculously happy and confused.

October- My friend Gary dies in the beginning of the month. We have a gathering, but it rains, and I cry for Gary while we drum. Talking to Arthur, and knowing I'll get to see him hold me together. The hurricane hits, and then he misses his train to come see me on Halloween. Even so, I have a fun Halloween. I take my landlady's foster daughter trick or treating. My Cutie Reaper costume looks epic. We get shit tons of candy, then I get drunk.

November- I want to see Arthur, but don't get a chance. We all go to Cele's for Thanksgiving. I get into Game of Thrones. I start to worry about Chrimbus.

December- I worry about Chrimbus. I am very stressed. I pull out my hair, and get sleep paralysis. I get to see Arthur. We spend an entire day riding the bus to Essex and back. We kiss for the first time on the bus. Afterwards, I miss him a lot. I am totally surprised by the depth and intensity of my feelings. I stress about Christmas. The world doesn't end. Christmas happens. I eat, and I drink vodka. I get some presents. I celebrate New Year's eve by going to a Chinese buffet. It's the five year anniversary of Grand Carol dying, but I don't get sad. I buy lacy underwear. The year ends. Finally.

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