Saturday, May 26, 2012

Dickhats, Angsty Poetry, Jesu Complex, what what?

So here we are. I haven't posted here in months. Between recovering from surgery, moving, getting mugged and all the general stress that life brings, I've been just a wee bit busy. Nor have I been in much of a mood to write, and what I do write, is either angst-ridden poetry, or stuff I'm saving for The Book I Want Published.

So what am I thinking about? What am I reading? What am I going to do with this tiny corner of the internet that no one seems to notice?

Fuck if I know. It irritates me, that pretentious dickhats like my ex-boyfriend get all these followers, when all he does is talk utter nonsense about liberal politics. Frankly, hyper-focusing on politics is a little bit irritating. It's like, OK, Bryan, we get it, you think Republicans are basically Nazis, and that Obama has no balls, and that bunch of hipsters in the street with signs are going to change America. OK 'Neo', we get it. You're a victim in this dystopian nightmare known as America.You're going to save us all, in your magical leather trench coat and uber hip sunglasses, but we're all stupid sheeple who reject our savior. Huh, that sounds awfully familiar. Getting a bit of a Jesus Complex? 'Cause if you're Jesus, then I'm White Buffalo Woman.

Dude, call me when you drum at the JFK Library in Boston, and you're in their archives as a Native American Drummer. Call me when you've written a song to sing with the drum (you don't play the drum, it is a living entity, the heartbeat of the people) and that you're going to be singing it at powwows and it'll be on Voice of United Spirit's next album.

I'm too distracted to really write about anything else, so meh. My next entry will be about whether or not I choose to continue writing 'personal memoirs' on this blog. I'm sure you're all so excited you could piss your pants.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the weird guy from Grandma's Boy. Someone needs to smoke some weed and chill the fuck out lulz
