Sunday, May 27, 2012

Continuation of memoirs?

One spring three years ago, I found myself in a nostalgic mood for a school trip I had been on the year before. I decided the best way to express these feelings on this blog, by writing an account of the trip the band and choir took to Hershey Park. I had only meant it to be one post, but, I decided, in the interest of capturing every detail, to space out the story into parts. It took me a little while to write this, but I did it. And I thought that would be the end of it. I thought there wouldn't be anymore memoirs.

But as usual, I was wrong. That summer, after deciding to make a trip to The Great Escape with a friend, I began to feel pangs of nostalgia. This time, these feelings were directed towards my very first visit to The Great Escape, exactly ten years before. So, I decided to write about that, and with that informed my scant amount of followers that these 'little memoirs' would occur occasionally.

Again, I was wrong. I'd already decided to write about my trip with Acacia, not long after the adventure was over. This endeavor took me much longer to complete than either of the first two memoirs. It became self-indulgent, extravagant and florid with pointless details.

After 'The Adventures of Fox and Squirrel' was finished, I was bored. I was still ripe with nostalgia, but couldn't think of any other 'adventures' to write about. So I started excessively editing all three of this ridiculous 'memoirs', fixing mistakes, adding things, taking them out and rewording things to make them easier to understand. It took me some time, but I had fun doing it. But still, the feelings of nostalgia persisted.

When I found out that my Aunt Jenny was having her vows renewed, and the day before the ceremony my Uncle Russel would be taking me to the Great Escape. I already knew that I would be blogging not only about my excursion to the amusement park, but about the entire weekend. In a moment of madness, I decided that each day of that weekend would be a separate memoir unto itself. Friday would cover the trip there, Saturday would cover my trip to the Greats Escape, and Sunday would cover the Vow Renewal ceremony. I had intended to make a fourth 'volume' to cover the ride home, but decided that would be a step too much.

I write the first volume and the second volume with little trouble. But by the time I got to writing about Sunday, my interest in writing memoirs had suddenly flagged. I tried, but only got two entries in. Then I gave up on writing memoirs, in favor of better writing ideas. I still wanted to finish the Sunday Volume though, and refused to start another one of these accursed self-indulgent blogs until I had finished it. But frankly I don't want to finish it, it seems irrelevant now.

But I beg to ask this question. Do I want to write another memoir in the future? I'm going to Canobie Lake park this year, do  I want to cover that? And why do I only write about amusement parks? And furthermore, will deciding to write about this upcoming trip taint the fun by giving me high expectations. Will it make any fun I have less genuine?

I still have to think about this. But for now, my xanax is kicking in and I need to sleep.

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