Thursday, June 2, 2011

Rants and Ravings

I've been irritable lately. Maybe it's the stress I've been under, but regardless of the cause, I need to vent about some things that have been annoying me lately.

1. If you have facebook, and I imagine a majority of the world population with internet access, does, you must have noticed what I'm bitching about. Those little chainmails, that people implore you to post as your status for one hour, in the hopes of curing cancer. Seriously, they all say "Post this and we will be one step closer to the cure!". No. Reposting bland copypasta won't cure cancer. If you want to help cure cancer, donate to a cancer research foundation or something like that. Posting these stupid chainmails is futile. You think you're helping, but you're really doing nothing. Actually no, you ARE doing something, you're pissing me off.

2. Today, I was in Target, looking at the bins full of cheap items. I love these bins. You can find so many cute little things. But today as I was poring over these baskets, a woman was walking less than a foot behind me also browsing. You're probably sitting here wondering why this is pissing me off so much. Well, for one thing, I have personal space issues. Big ones. I don't like having strangers stand to close to me when I'm shopping. If I go to look at something and someone's already standing in front of it, I'd rather wait for them to finish up than have my personal space invaded. So with woman practically nestling herself between my butt cheeks, she was already pissing me off. Rubbing salt in the wound was the fact that she kept clearing her throat. Every 3 seconds. For fuck's sake, it's called a fucking cough drop. You can buy them right in the store! I can't fucking stand it when people are in public constantly clearing their throats and coughing. If my parents hadn't raised me better, I would have turned right around and told her to back the fuck off. I know she wasn't riding my ass on purpose, but it irritates me that a lot of people aren't aware of personal space when they're shopping. Maybe I should start wearing a sign that says "Autistic Person, Please Stay Back at Least 3 Feet".

3. Target's CD Return Policy. You can only return CDs if they are unopened and come with the receipt. Horrible policy. Most people return CD's because they listened to the album and didn't like it. No one buys an album, doesn't open it and then returns it. Target, are you fucking stupid?

4. Music Censorship. I'm an adult, thank you. I've heard all the naughty words before. And parents should be the judge of what their kids are exposed to, not the government. Last time I checked, this was still a free country and people were still allowed to make their own decisions about what they listen to, watch and read.

5. Lady Gaga's song Fashion of his Love. It sounds like bad Christian pop. Usually I love her work, but this song is one of her rare misses. Maybe I need to listen to it again, but my first impression wasn't a good one.

Well, that's all I can think of right about now. I'm still irritated, and this wasn't as cathartic as I had hoped, but oh well, it helps me practice my writing style.

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