Monday, July 5, 2010

What's coming up for Musings and Ponderings

I've been trying to avoid writing more memoirs. So far it's been easy, because I haven't had any ideas for new ones. Nor was I in the mood to write any non-memoir entries, simply because of my ever-present writer's block.
But this morning, I had idea for a new memoir. Yes, I know, I write too many of these, and they're usually about Amusement Parks, most notably The Great Escape and Splashwater Kingdom. I swear, I blog about them so much they should pay me!
This coming weekend, I will be attending my Aunt Jenny's vow renewal ceremony, in upstate New York. The main event is taking place on Sunday, but my mother, sister and I will be leaving this Friday. On Saturday, my Uncle Russel will be taking me to The Great Escape, since the Vow Renewal Ceremony will be nearby. The entire weekend I think, will be perfect fodder for my blog. I will be writing this in three or four volumes. The first volume will cover the events of Friday, when we will drive from Bellows Falls, VT to Mechanicsville, NY. This will be a fairly short volume, with few chapters. The second volume will involve my trip to The Great Escape with my uncle. This might be my longest volume, for you all know that I can describe an amusement park trip in great detail. The third volume will be an account of the Ceremony and following reception. I do not know how many chapters this one will contain. The final volume will describe the trip home. This will possibly be the most boring memoir I have ever written.
This is clearly the most ambitious and self-indulgent blog project I have ever undertaken. It might be a bad idea. It certainly won't earn me any more followers.
Why don't I lump the entire weekend into one single memoir, instead of writing four separate ones? I did that with Hershey after all; I certainly didn't divide that entire adventure into parts. So why am I doing it for this adventure, before it has even started? Have I finally lost it? Writers are horrible people. We take every aspect of our lives and use it for our art. I feel like I'm exploiting this weekend. I feel perhaps, with this epic four volume memoir series, I'm going too far. Who knows if I am or not? I may not even write about everything, just Saturday's events. I'm afraid that intending to write about this event may raise my expectations, or somehow make my feelings about the weekend less genuine. Tell you what, I'll stop thinking about it, and put these plans on the back burner. I'll enjoy this weekend for what it is, spending time with family, witnessing two people renew their vows and seeing my grandma for the first time in ten years.

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