Sunday, July 18, 2010

Friday Part 4

Wow, this took much fewer chapters than I had imagined. This chapter also may contain spoilers for a crappy movie that none of you may ever see.

Part 4: A Picture of Batman Eating Noodles
The Pasta Factory is a restaurant which mainly serves Asian and Italian noodle dishes. They also serve things like salads and soups, but most people come for the delicious noodles.
Allover the walls were drawings kids had done of their pasta dinners. Most of them were scribbles, but I saw a few cute anime drawings done by older kids and even a drawing of The Flying Spaghetti Monster! With this portrait of FSM came some sort of joke, that clearly came from a certain anonymous forum, which joke it was, I can't remember. This was very amusing to me and I wanted to draw my own lulzy pasta related picture. I recall asking my sister to draw me a picture of Batman eating noodles. Not that she ever did. Or would.
I ordered a sesame noodle dish with chicken. I had originally planned on getting an Italian dish, but at the last minute decided I would prefer some Asian fare. Then after we ordered, I got my drink and sat down at the large circular booth with my family. I sat with my sister at my left, and my uncle at my right.
Dinner passed pleasantly, with plenty of conversation. I didn't get to eat very much though, because Uncle Russel wanted to take my sister and I to see a movie, which would be starting soon. But my noodle dish was very delicious and I wish I had eaten more of it. I never got to eat the leftovers either. I would end up leaving them in my aunt's fridge.

My uncle wanted to take us to see Predators. The movie theater was in a mall adjacent to the restaurant, so it was only a minor trip across the parking lot to get to there. I wasn't sure I would like the movie, but I went anyway. Who knew, it might be good.
As my uncle bought the tickets, we heard some people discuss the new Last Airbender film. I said, loud enough for them to hear, that I had heard that the movie was so awful that it punched you in the soul. I wonder if they still went to see the movie. I haven't heard the very best reviews for it.
We bypassed the concession stand and went straight into the cinema. We took seats near the front, and I made a quick bathroom run before anything started.
I'm going to tell you this now. I found the previews more interesting than the movie itself. I recall in particular seeing a trailer for a movie based off of the Scott Pilgrim comic book. I had a minor geek out, seeing as I had read the first volume a month prior.
God, Predators was awful. The 'plot' (if you can even fucking call it that) was this whole stupid thing about the Predator Aliens, who look like Rastafarians with vagina dentata mouths, kidnapping Earth's best warriors and place them on their home planet to use as prey in their little hunting games. There wasn't much by way of a back story, the movie starts with the group of kidnapped humans: a couple of soldiers, a Yakuza gangster, a Mexican drug runner, a Russian Spetsnaz, a deathrow Convict, an African Guerrilla soldier and Topher Grace. That's right friends and neighbors, our sci-fi gorefest had Topher Grace in it.
The movie was boring as fuck. I actually fell asleep within the first twenty minutes of the film! I was a little bit ashamed by this, but figured that it only made sense, seeing as I'd been on the road all day. Hoping to wake up a little bit, I got up and went to the bathroom. On my way out, I briefly made conversation with the guy who collects ticket stubs (I used to work at a theater, and the kids who do that job are always so bored), then entered the ladies room.
There was a woman with two small kids and an infant in the ladies room. She was changing the baby on the counter by the sink. I asked if there was a changing table in the bathroom (not rudely, just with exasperation and surprise. It was pretty obvious that they lacked a changing table). When she replied that there wasn't, we briefly discussed the ludicrousness of this situation. Why wouldn't a bathroom have a changing table? In this day and age it just seems strange. But changing the baby on the counter was better than changing it on the floor, which is what I think people used to do.
After I washed my hands I applied my Hard Candy lip stain and gloss. After I painted my lips with the berry colored stain, I added the thick minty scented gloss, hoping the smell and taste would keep me awake. During this glossy procedure, the woman's kids watched me intently, which I found unnerving. Why is it when you put on makeup in a public bathroom the other people in there stare at you? It's not just kids that do it either, I've had adults eyeball me while I'm doing a few touch ups. At least when kids do it, they're just being curious, they don't know that it's rude to stare. Adults should know better than to stare. Their stares always seem so judgmental.
Oh, but I digress.

I returned to the movie, and stayed awake for some of the action. The humans got picked off one by one, and I have to admit that some of the death scenes were pretty badass. There was even a scene where a guy had his skull and spine ripped out. It reminded me so much of Repo! The Genetic Opera that I quoted a RepoChat in-joke.
"He's got your back"
But despite these gruesome death scenes and cheesy gore (the Predator's blood look like Nickelodeon slime!), I fell asleep for a second time.
I woke up long enough to see the end of the movie, complete with a twist ending (Topher Grace is a bad guy! WTF). When the credits rolled, strange cheerful music poured from the speakers, music that did not match the film's "seriousness". It was as if the filmmakers had simply given up. My sister, uncle and I left the theater, unimpressed with the mediocre quality of the movie. It was one of those films that relied only on its special effects.

The passenger door to my uncle's car did not work. If you wanted to sit in the passenger seat, you had to climb over the drivers seat to get there. Since I was wearing a miniskirt, my sister took the front passenger seat, so I wouldn't flash my swirl patterned knickers to the world. So I took the backseat, which I didn't mind doing.
The drive back to my aunt and uncle's house was very pleasant. We talked about all kinds of things, mostly movies.
Back at my aunt's house, my mom had gotten my cousin bathed and into bed. We had to get ready for bed ourselves. We took our bedding out of the car, and went up to my cousin's room (he would be staying on a couch in the office) to inflate the air mattress. I would be sleeping in my cousin's bed, and my sister and mom would take the mattress. After we were all set up, I changed into my over-sized wolf t-shirt (stolen from my dad) and my Mutts PJ pants with the delightful hole in the seat. I then shuffled downstairs where my uncle was watching South Park and my mom was reading. I tried to read too, but got distracted by the TV.
My mom went up to bed, and my sister joined us in the living room. After South Park finished. my uncle deliberated on what to watch next. He has Netflix for Wii, and so we sifted through titles of different movies, including horror movies. On the list I saw a favorite of mine, called Imprint. It is a really fucked up Japanese horror film that I like for its visuals and disturbing quality. It's strange that I saw it on there too, since I had mentioned it to my uncle in the car. A movie my sister had discussed was there too.
My uncle chose Imprint. Before the movie started, there was a creepy opening sequence for a production company. I do not know if it was a company that brought the film to the US, or the company that initially made it, but it was a very disturbing sequence. My cousin happened to walk in the room at this moment with my aunt, which made my uncle and I scramble to pause the film. Sam asked what we were watching. I didn't know how to answer. My aunt explained to him that we were watching something scary and that he should be in bed.
The movie was very gross. I had forgotten how gross it was, and because of its gore, I was kind of ashamed that I had picked it. I even apologized to my uncle for it. There is a torture scene, that is horrifying not just because of the content, but because of the sound effects. My uncle and I were both sitting there wincing and making noises of disgust. There were also a lot of aborted fetuses in this movie, but I didn't find that very gross. I'm not sure what my uncle thought of them. I do not know if he liked the movie or not either, just that he and I both thought it was very fucked up.
After that fucked up, disturbing movie finished, I went up to bed. My mom was reading and my sister was asleep. Or was it the other way around? I talked briefly with my mom, and then tried to read a little bit.
The next day, I would be going to the Great Escape with my uncle. I needed to get some sleep, so I would be rested for the next day. Thankfully I fell asleep as quickly as I had in the movie theater. After all, I had had a very long day.
The End of Volume 1.

Coming up: Volume 2 starts off with a fizzle instead of a bang! What is a girl to do?

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