Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Volume 2 of the Vow Renewal Weekend: Saturday

Here is the account chronicling my day at the Great Escape with my Uncle.

Part 1: A Few Minor Setbacks
I woke up on July 10th, wrapped in my favorite purple Afghan, the sweet coolness of the air conditioner blowing on my face. This morning I would be going to The Great Escape. I got out of bed, and shuffled downstairs to use the bathroom, which was adjacent to the kitchen. Why is it bathrooms are always right next to the kitchen? In almost every house I've ever lived in or visited with the exception of a few, the bathroom is near the kitchen.
My aunt was already awake and she asked me if I wanted any breakfast, and told me she had eggs, toast, fruit and cereal. I took a bowl of cereal, even though eggs did sound very good, mostly because I didn't want to heat up the kitchen with any kind of cooking. In hindsight though, I probably should have had my leftovers for breakfast, after all, I ended up leaving them at my aunt's.
So I poured myself a bowl of Life cereal and ate it as fast as I could. Life is one of those cereals that gets soggy very quickly. That sounds like a wonderful metaphor, doesn't it? But I'm being literal here, as tasty as that cereal is, you have to eat it fast or it will become Mush City.
While I ate, my cousin watched Futurama on their Netflix. It was the Beast of a Billion Backs episode arc.
My mom was up, and she joined us in the living room. I got out my Vermont Monster Guide to show my cousin, he flipped through it and then quickly gave it back to me. I
Eventually, I wandered upstairs to get dressed. I put on my bra and underwear, my plaid Bermuda shorts (which make me feel incredibly butch), my Repo! The Genetic Opera t-shirt and my socks. I went to put on my pentacle, but was shocked when I found that the chain was broken! This was the first of a few minor setbacks. The second occurred when I descended the staircase and stepped right in a puddle of puppy piddle, (a present from Lucy) ruining my only pair of socks. Then to top it off, it was raining, when I was supposed to be at an amusement park all day. Trouble always comes in threes.
My aunt told me she would get me a pair of socks, then told me she'd made me a cup of coffee. It was just the way I like it too, with plain milk, no sugar or fancy creams.
While I drank my coffee, I checked my facebook and my Stardoll account on my aunt's laptop. I played around idly on the computer waiting for my uncle to get up.

My Uncle Russel descended the stairs. He seemed excited about the coming day, despite the weather, which was beginning to clear up. My aunt lent me a pair of her socks, which were almost exactly like the pair I had been wearing. I packed all my things. My duffel bag and bedding went into my mother's car. My backpack, which contained my bathing suit, towel, wallet, moist towelettes and medication would be going into my uncle's car.
While my uncle and I would be riding roller coasters and water slides, my sister and mother would be spending a day with my grandmother at Aunt Jenny's cabin in Schroon Lake. My mother and uncle discussed how I would get from Lake George to Schroon Lake at the end of the day, while I finished up my business online.

Eventually it was time to leave. As my uncle and I headed out the door I promised my mother that I wouldn't die in a horrible roller coaster accident. She told me to give her a hug and a kiss in case I did die. I did just that, giving her a big hug and kiss.
I threw my backpack in my my uncle's backseat, then climbed over the driver seat to get into the car. I was excited, but oddly calm. Usually when ever I go on a trip like this I'm like a pot ready to boil over. I suppose this is a good thing, perhaps it means that at least some of my anxiety is beginning to get under control.

Coming up next...the beginning of an epic adventure.

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