Sunday, June 26, 2016

Where do we go from here?

Lately, the only writing I do is either rambling on tumblr, or writing fanfiction for Swedish rock band Ghost. I saw them last spring, and to say they are my favorite band ever is a grave understatement. People who knew me in my youth may recall my Special Interest being the Lord of the Rings for a  good many years. They may recall the fervent, all-consuming obsessive love I bore for the film's various actors. This is a lot like that, only now I'm self-aware.

So I need some writing projects besides my frothy imaginings of a scarousing Satanic Anti-Pope and his Nameless Ghouls. I've been considering submitting some listicles to Thought Catalog. Any asshole can get published there. Though instead of lifting my work from Reddit like most people, I'm actually going to interview real people for their experiences. I mostly want to write about paranormal stuff. I have a lot of ideas for short stories, too.

I've said this before, but I ought to post here more. Regardless of my lack of followers, (I have 430 on tumblr) I believe more content is necessary, and it makes a good practice area. Eventually I'll write more Lush Reviews.

My ex is still following this blog, but I think he's blocked me. It's funny. He spent that time stalking me, and now he's safeguards himself from me. Probably so I won't tell his fellow liberals, and all the feminists he wants to bang what a creep he really is. If you're reading this B, do feel free weigh in on the comments. It would amuse me.

By the way, this is Ghost. Magnificent bastards all, and I got to see them.

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