Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Word About Sophie Clarke

I went to school with Survivor Winner, Sophie Clarke. And let me tell you, it was no picnic. She was obnoxious. At least from my point of view. I had a locker near her, and she used to simultaneously antagonize me, and make strange attempts at being my friend. Pretty much, she liked fucking with my head. When I went through my punk rock phase, she'd gleefully mock me, claiming that she was more punk than me, knowing that it would aggravate me. She would tell me that if I dyed my hair pink it would 'look gross, like period blood,' because of the natural dark shade of my hair (did she not know that you have to bleach dark hair before it can be dyed a wild color?). She claimed she would dye her hair pink too, and it would look better. She made fun of my crush on Elijah Wood, constantly asking if the picture of him of Frodo, that was displayed in my Return of the King planner was in fact, a girl. Most annoying, and most disgusting of all, when I came out as being Wiccan, she made fun of me for weeks, asking me if I was like 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch,'. Those are the moments I remember most. That and giving her a swift kick to the shins for being an annoying bint. In all the years I knew her, she proved herself to be an ignorant, intolerant, obnoxious two-faced little bitch.
Her annoying, childish behavior led to my intense dislike of her. I had no idea why she constantly acted like this. It was like she couldn't decide whether to bully me, or be my friend. My mother used to tell me that it seemed like Sophie had some bizarre lesbian crush on me. She stared at me enough times. You couldn't call her teasing bullying, it was more irritating than hurtful. Perhaps if I wasn't Autistic, her behavior would have been easier to ignore, and I could have simply laughed at her. But the fact is, people with Asperger's or NLD have thin skins, and are easily provoked.
When I moved, she kept sending me so many Facebook and Myspace requests that I had to block her. Did she ever figure out my vitriol? She probably has, and attributes it to 'jealousy'. Sophie, I'm not jealous of YOU as a person. I wouldn't want to be you for five minutes. I'm jealous of your good luck, and that's about it. Other than that, I think I'm pretty damn awesome.

What else do I remember of her? She was in the National Honor Society. She was in the NHS, and I recall overhearing her discussing giving exam answers to another student. That's right. She was a cheater. She was a cheater, an antagonistic wannabe bully, and her sisters used to try and get teachers fired, simply for their amusement. She was an archetypal spoiled rich kid, who had everything handed to her.
And now she's won a million dollars.

Apparently she said "I'm part of the 1% now". Well good for you, Sophie. You're part of the 1% of over privileged, corrupt bourgeoisie that are currently public enemy #1. Congratulations. The rest of the country, that 99% are screaming for your blood, as they take to the streets. Vive la sans-culottes! I certainly hope you were joking when you made this comment.

Some people will comment on this blog, Sophie's ass-kissing hangers-ons and fans. They will insult me, in defense of their queen, like the good little white knights they are. They will say "Oh you're just jealous".
That's right. I am. I am jealous that this person, who lacks decent character, this utterly fake and obnoxious person, who has had everything handed to her, has a million dollars, while each month, my family and I, as well as so many other Americans, struggle to make ends meet.
But that's just about all I'm jealous of, when it comes to Sophie Clarke. I don't want her life, I don't want to be her. From now on, people will only want to be around her for her money. At least when you're poor, you know who your true friends are.
Just once in my life, I'd like to see the underdog win. Someone who truly has been in the bottom of the pit. Someone who knows about foodstamps, welfare, social workers and SSI. Someone who knows all about the constant never-ending bullshit that comes with poverty.
Why do the people who already have everything, get more?

And that's it. My rant is done. I will say no more of this tiresome bint, who went from that obnoxious girl who vaguely resembles a monkey, to a reality star, who seems to have finally grown into her looks. Good for you, I wish you the joy of it.

1 comment:

  1. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I am pretty sure most people think she is annoying. She is the weirdest winner ever. My husband and I were totally shocked she won. She is extremely unattractive and quite non-discript. So, if, when you say she grew into her looks, you mean she became even more unattractive and non-discript, you are right. I kept marveling at the fact she was even cast on the show. Anyway, I do not think too many people will spend much time thinking about her beyond this point. She is remarkably uninteresting. The only reason I came across your post was because I was wondering what people thought of her winning and it is pretty clear most people are surprised but, ultimately, who cares about her. She is a big goober, albeit a rich one.
