Saturday, June 19, 2010

Finished at Last!

I have finally finished my massive memoir rewrite! I just finished editing Fox and Squirrel Go On An Adventure, not a few minutes ago. Even though I'm supposed to be done, I still feel the urge to continue editing. I'll probably do another rewrite in a few months. Especially since I've noticed that I keep using the word linear when I should be saying chronological in some of my entries.

So now I ask myself for the millionth time, what do I write next? Should I dredge up another memoir? Or should I write something with some actual meaning? I've got some new blog ideas floating around, but I'm not sure which ones to use. What I do know is that I'd like a bowl of soup. BRB, Soup.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Two Down One To Go

So now I've finished rewriting the Hershey Memoir, meaning that I've only go one more to finish. I don't know if I like how I finished it, though. I never used to doubt my writing skills, before. I've never had anyone tell me I'm a bad writer, though. I usually have people say "You're really good!" Well, what makes me a good writer? Are you only saying it to be nice? If I'm such a good writer, why do I only have four blog followers?
Lately, I've been getting ideas for my blog, great ones, only to lose them before I can get to a computer. They usually involve food or culture and I usually get them when I'm half asleep. Other times I'll get an idea, and then realize it's too personally motivated to put on my blog. Or that if I write it, I'll piss someone off.
I do not like getting involved in drama, even though I am oft times embroiled in it. I try to avoid it, but I can't help it a lot of the time. I regret to say that I am ruled by my emotions. My emotions , my compulsions get me in a lot of trouble. I have to learn how to keep my thoughts to myself, and not dig my own grave with my verbal diarrhea. I would post some of my thoughts in my blog if I could, but the tricky thing about the internet is that anyone can see what you post anytime. Once it's there, it's like a tattoo.
So I keep the private, explosive thoughts in a diary. As for the blog ideas which are viable, I'll have to write those down to, so I can remember them. I'll have to remind myself to do that. Forgetfulness is a vicious cycle.
So I'm almost done rewriting my little memoirs. With any luck, I'll be finished in about six months.